Announcing our $2m Series A fundng.
Read more about it here

Supercharge your Property Management Business

The operations tool you need to scale properties under management without scaling costs.

Frankie makes operations transparent and easy to understand.

Stay on budget. Manage your service agreements simply with contractors. Partner with your clients to drive improvements across their portfolios.

Let's chat

Scarborough Group

Scarborough Group has a growing property portfolio to manage.

Hamish Mackereth, Senior Asset & Property Manager, approached Frankie to help take control of his multiple data and communication sources. With nothing stored centrally, he found they were jumping from one issue to the next, duplicating work and spending more time than they should on each job.
“We recommend Frankie to any manager as the tool for proactive management”
Hamish Mackereth, Senior Asset and Property Manager
Using Frankie streamlined their communications and processes, allowing Scarborough to get to the heart of issues, quickly. With Frankie, they can now capture facility history, job status, and communication between managers, tenants and contractors – all in the one place.

Tenants can easily raise issues and visually show what is happening onsite. Both managers and trusted contractors can access and update this information within Frankie, reducing time to resolution and duplication of effort.

Exceptional service at scale

Profitable operations at a portfolio scale
Deliver exceptional service to your property owners and tenants
Effortlessly manage service agreements with contractors

Supercharge your property management today